Hold my hand and I will take you to the DREAMLAND. A place you've never been; to the settings you've never seen. There, the Sun sets and spill serenity, stars twinkle to attain eternal beauty. The land of miracles and a sky full of angels. A place where no sorrow or envy linger. Away from... Continue Reading →


She was eight when it happened Her utopia was left abandoned. It was the month of November, a chatter box became mum forever. A cute little princess was brutally scrapped into pieces. Everything inside her became so hollow that she couldn't express her sorrow. She strived to erase the traces of those obscene nights, no... Continue Reading →


Oh, how badly I wish for love to come with an asterisk on it. To warn me about the terms & conditions it brings along. Not just roses but it is a game of thorns. I found my love during the season of fall, it was swaddled in rusty dead flowers. Little calming and too... Continue Reading →


I walked down the alley, faced the rising Sun, all of my skin filled up with warmth of it but the heart still remained cold. The heart was struggling to seek answers that my mind would never know. It was a battle between mind and heart, things that seemed legit to one wasn't right for... Continue Reading →

The Night Star

I stood alone amidst the darkness, gazing upon the sky filled with dazzling stars. It was a full Moon day, the Moon that had too many scars. I hunted for a moving star that might have flown quite far. It was him with whom I witnessed those flying sparkles; otherwise, all I could see were... Continue Reading →

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